At self-tape.co.uk we aim to produce high-quality, dynamic showreels that not only look great,
but also sound excellent. For this reason we use cinema-quality cameras and industry-leading
sound equipment to make sure that your performance is captured in the very best way possible.
See below for a breakdown of some of our day to day kit. We use a lot more,
but here are the basics:

Тhе RED Komodo and Вlасkmаgіс Росkеt Сіnеmа Саmеrа 6K оffеr excellent рrоfеѕѕіоnаl fеаturеѕ, such as the option to shoot in high resolutions (4K and 6K) and is are ideals camera to use for showreel production and narrative work.
We use a fully rigged-out RED & Blackmagic cameras for brilliant dynamic range (meaning we can shoot in all sorts of lighting conditions and still give a cinematic look to our footage, even if we're just using natural light), lightweight run & gun ability for quick shoots requiring fast set-ups and their image quality. Тhіѕ аllоwѕ for thе сарturе оf dеереr соlоurѕ, hіghеr іmаgе dеtаіl аѕ wеll аѕ а wіdеr dуnаmіс rаngе bеtwееn thе brіghtеѕt hіghlіghtѕ аnd dеереѕt ѕhаdоwѕ, which is one of the main reasons we're able give our images a 'cinematic look'.
We think you'll be really impressed with the quality of the images that we can produce with these cameras, and can't wait to start shooting your new scenes!

With a selection of up to 10 lenses, we like to come equipped! The right lens can make a world of difference in getting the right 'look' or 'feel' for a scene, so we keep our options open.
Our favourites are our selection of six prime Samyang cine lenses (14mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm and 135mm). These lenses are all manual focus cine lenses that give complete control when focusing and offer manual control of aperture to make sure that we can cater every shot to the feel of the scene and the individual conditions of the shoot.

The Sennheiser MKH-416 is the industry standard in movies, TV shows, indie features and short films.
If you've ever watched a tv show or a movie before, you will have heard audio that's been recorded using this mic.
It's often used outdoors for news casts and interviews as well as location shoots. It is also used heavily in the voice-over world; movie trailer voice-overs have been recorded with a 416. In other words, you'll likely find it on almost every professional set.
We use the Sennheiser 416 for exactly all of the reasons above. Sound, we find, is often neglected in the making of showreel scenes and we take great measures in making sure that the sound we record for your reel is the best that it can be.

Our Zhiyun Crane 2 gimble is perfect for when we want the steadiest of shots. Some of our scenes require walking and talking and this is one of the ways we achieve a smooth and steady image as the camera moves with you. The Zhiyun Crane 2 acts as a steady-cam for those scenes that require smooth following shots.
We don't always bring the Zhiyun Crane 2 on all of our shoots, so do feel free to ask us about it when you book and if you think you would like it as an option for your scene(s)

Play-back can be an important tool to monitor performance and understand whether an acting choice is or isn't working. Some actors love it and some hate it, but we like to offer the option for play-back so that actors can review their footage on the day and look back over their performance so that adjustments can be easily made, if necessary.
We use the Atoms Ninja V monitor for its bright HD screen (viewable in bright daylight conditions) and for its portability and reliability.

We use a selection of large LED flat panels from NanLite and Neewer which can be taken out on location and powered with high capacity batteries. This means that no matter where we shoot, if we need to, we can light you.